Shipping & Delivery

We use professional third-party logistic providers (3PLP) to bring your items to you as safely as possible.

Where does FAWDECOR deliver?

As an international company, we are proud to deliver worldwide.

How long does it take to FAWDECOR to deliver my order?

We typically deliver orders within 7 to 10 days of purchase.

For made-to-order pieces, production time must be added to regular delivery time.

Delivery time may vary depending on the country of departure and the country of destination of the products bought and whether a framing or stretching option has been added to your order.

How can I track my order?

You can track your order with a tracking link you will receive by email 2 to 3 days (on average) after your purchase.

As soon as it is available, you will also be able to find your tracking link on your My Orders page.

As we use third-party providers, this service might slightly differ from one order to another. Some shipping companies may provide a possibility to schedule at your convenience, though it can’t be guaranteed by FAWDECOR

Please note that the tracking information is sent to you by our third-party delivery services.

How much does my delivery cost?

The price of your delivery is stated at the checkout.

The cost of delivery depends on the dimensions of each product, the destination of your order, as well as the shipping option selected at checkout.

Please note that our shipping fees include:

Insurance. Your order is 100% protected in case of any damage or loss.

All customs fees, taxes, and document preparation.

A dedicated FAWDECOR customer care specialist that will assist you with any questions or problems during shipment.

Taxes & Customs:

All taxes and customs fees are already included in an artwork price.

In some rare cases, the shipping company will ask you to pay customs import fees. Should this be the case, please advance payment and share a receipt/bank statement with your customer care specialist. This way there will be no further delays and we’ll be able to refund the entire amount back to you.

Types of delivery services:

You can choose between 3 delivery options:

Professional Front-Door Delivery

Your order will be delivered in person to your building or your house doorstep by a trusted shipping company (DHL, FedEx, UPS). All products are carefully packaged by the artists following FAWDECOR guidelines.

White-Glove delivery

An art professional will handle your delivery. You can choose the day and time for your delivery and your item will be delivered to the room of your choice. The item will be unpacked and all packaging will be removed from your home.

White-Glove delivery & Installation

This option is the same as Premium Delivery, plus your item will be installed (hung if a painting) by your art handler.

Where is my order?

As we use third-party delivery services, we recommend you use the tracking link you should receive by email within 2-3 days (on average) of your purchase.

You can also see the status of your order by clicking on the tracking link on your My Orders page.

Questions? Please call us at +90 533 409 55 71.

What happens if my order is lost or arrives damaged?

If something is wrong with your order, please reach out to your personal customer care specialist or please contact us at +90 533 409 55 71.

Take photos of the packaging (preferably before opening) and of the actual damage to the products. The more photos we have, the easier it is for us to assist you.

Your order is 100% insured. In case something is wrong with it, you are eligible for a full refund unless you choose to have it and want it repaired or replaced. In this case, we will organize the repair or the replacement of your item. It’s free of any additional charges.